First step printhead adjustment
The first and most simple is to make sure that the print head
adjusted properly, a piece of copy paper is a good gauge. Some printers will
come with a sheet of paper to adjust the print head. My Anycubic Mega S came
with a gauge to properly adjust the print head. To check the distance for the
print head to the build plate start in the center then check each corner of the
build plate the paper should slide under with a little of tension. After you
can run a small print to test your results from the print head adjustment.
Second step a raft
You can add a raft to the print job, this may help. The raft
will give you more material for you print job to adhere to the build surface.
Third build surface
There are different types of build surfaces the two I will
touch on are glass and textured flex surface. Glass is durable but can have
adhesion issues in my experience I have had better luck with flex surface which
when heated gain more adhesion.
Last glue
The you can use glue to help you print jobs sick to your
build surface. The large Elmer’s school glue that is purple has worked best for
me. I have tried hair spray with little luck but my work better for you.
Side note
Make sure your build surface is clean and have fun and enjoy
the process.