Friday, April 7, 2023

3D Printer Bed Adhesion


First step printhead adjustment

The first and most simple is to make sure that the print head adjusted properly, a piece of copy paper is a good gauge. Some printers will come with a sheet of paper to adjust the print head. My Anycubic Mega S came with a gauge to properly adjust the print head. To check the distance for the print head to the build plate start in the center then check each corner of the build plate the paper should slide under with a little of tension. After you can run a small print to test your results from the print head adjustment.

Second step a raft

You can add a raft to the print job, this may help. The raft will give you more material for you print job to adhere to the build surface.

Third build surface

There are different types of build surfaces the two I will touch on are glass and textured flex surface. Glass is durable but can have adhesion issues in my experience I have had better luck with flex surface which when heated gain more adhesion.

Last glue

The you can use glue to help you print jobs sick to your build surface. The large Elmer’s school glue that is purple has worked best for me. I have tried hair spray with little luck but my work better for you.

Side note

Make sure your build surface is clean and have fun and enjoy the process.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Does technology improve or diminish from childhood?

When I was a kid I remember spending most of my time outside running, and  riding bikes. While outside we used our imagination and found many ways to entertain ourselves. The biggest thing was we were outside moving around and getting exercise. I never remember being bored while playing outside unless I was stuck inside because of weather like rain or snow

In contrast If I sent my kids outside they think that I am punishing them. They would rather be inside staring at their phone’s watching YouTube, or other electronic devices. Some days my son will move from the PlayStation to the computer to the couch and play on his phone. He is never very far from some type of technology. The only exercise he gets is moving from one place to another. The kids kind of remind me of the people in the movie Wall-E, they get little to know exercise and I do not believe that is good for their health.
I have been thinking about inducing an 8-hour period where there are not electronics each weekend. I am not anti-electronics, I believe that they are great tools and make life easier. It is nice to search Google and find answers to questions being able to check accounts on the fly. I just wonder if there is a good balance between tech and no tech. The biggest thing is that I want my kids to have full lives, not just watch them waste away on the couch playing video games or playing on their phones.
Growing up we used our imaginations, we would go outside and invent games, or run around, jump on trampolines. Nowadays it seems our kids are lacking in imagination. I told my kids to go outside and figure something to do with no phones, they grumbled and acted pissed off. I went outside to check on them they were all sitting on the porch and on the patio doing nothing, just waiting to be able to come back inside.

The pros of electronics
  1. Entertaining
  2. Information
  3. Making life easier
  4. Access to others friends/family
  5. Sharing information and pictures with relative’s that live far away.
  6. Online Gaming
  7. Online shopping
The cons of electronics
  1. Clouds the mind
  2. Promotes laziness
  3. Feeds into people's need for instant gratification
  4. Kids have no interaction with each other or other members of the family
  5. Online Shopping
I have watched families while out to dinner with my own. You will see every member of The family looking down at their phones while they wait for the staff to bring food or drinks to the table. There is no interaction between the family. This concerns me because i read a study that said if you spend dinner every night as a family interacting then you children are less likely to be in trouble with the law. We have a rule at our house no phones at the table, and the kids have to tell us something they learned every night before they are allowed to leave the table.
When I dive my kids places they don’t look up from their phone to see where they are going. The problem is that when they start driving the may not know how to get to places in town, or anywhere else. You see so many people getting into accidents looking at their phone or texting while driving due to people's obsession with knowing what is going on.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Does Technology make a vacation better?

There are many types of technology to day that can possibly enhance a vacation. Google maps and Google Navigation are too of the tools that can make a getting to you destination easier. The benefit of Google maps is that it gives time estimate on how long it will to arrive at your destination and it also gives you turn by turn direction which is fairly accurate. The problem with Google maps is that if you accidentally shut it off and there is no internet you may not be able to get back on track so even if you are using Google map you may want to consider bringing along a traditional paper map. Technology wins this one paper maps are cumbersome.

The next thing to consider is restaurant review apps like Yelp and Google now. You can check these apps and see how other people have reviewed restaurants in the area that you are visiting. The problems with the reviews that people place are that it is their personal opinion and their taste may not be the same as yours. You can also skip the app and just ask the people working at the hotel that you are staying at where they like to eat or you may want to skip the technology all together and just eat at a restaurant chain that you already like. Using the low tech approach maybe the best option when trying finding a restaurant to eat at while on vacation. 

The option to take an additional camera with you while on vacation. The last few vacations that I have been on I have taken a digital camera with me and have not used the camera relying on my cell phone camera. The problem with taking an extra camera is that you have to carry more items with you while in most cases I will already be carrying my cell phone and the cameras on cell phone are much better than they were just a couple of years ago, and if you want to post photos on to social media they are already on a device that can do that with no need to transfer them to another device. Technology wins again carrying more stuff is never good unless you are looking for higher quality pictures.

 Technology does make vacations better in my opinion leave a commit below tell me what you opinion. 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Has technology damaged social gatherings?

 It does not seem like people talk as much as they did in the past? Has technology damaged our social engagement? When I was younger, and we would go camping, we would all sit around the campfire and tell stories and just talk. Today if you go to a restaurant and look around at the nearby tables you will see people looking at their smartphones. These people seem to be mesmerized by the technology and are not communicating with each other. The rule at my house is that no technology is allowed at the dinner table because this is a time to talk and find out what all the family members have experienced that day.

In today’s society, it is strange that games have been created to keep people from staring at their phones. This game consists of everyone who is out to dinner together has to place their phones in the middle of the table the first person to grab their phone has to pay for everyone’s meal. What have we turned into as a society that we have to go to such extremes to engage people in a conversation.

You camp out with your friends today, and you look around, and everyone is staring at their phones. Are phones more interesting that a good ghost story and is what you are reading on the screen more important than human interaction? Has social media kill the human interaction? I hope not people need to put down their phone and make some memories that will last a life time. I also hope that kids today will learn to enjoy the people and stories around them and instead of all the new technology.

Do not get me wrong technology does enhance our lives, but it can also take away if you are not careful.   

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Life and Technology

Is technology too invasive?

Is George Orwell's book 1984 coming true is big brother watching our every move. More today than ever it seems like technology is tracking everything that we are doing in our daily life. Our cell phones track our locations and offer us suggestions like places to eat and reviews of other businesses that are close by. According to devices now outnumber people on the planet. Each device is reporting its location giving suggestions. Devices communicate with each other, phones can tell the thermometer in her your home that you have woke up and can automatically adjust the temperature to a desired level. Pictures taken on a cell phone have a geo-location stamp that tells where the picture was taken and if they are posted on a social media site, a stranger may be able to find the location of your home. Everything is tracked including the searches that an individual makes on the web.

The question is the convenience worth the invasion of your privacy. The tracking makes many things better and faster.  Web searches will be better and faster, searches will give you results 

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Does Technology make a vacation better?

There are many types of technology to day that can possibly enhance a vacation. Google maps and Google Navigation are too of the tools that can make a getting to you destination easier. The benefit of Google maps is that it gives time estimate on how long it will to arrive at your destination and it also gives you turn by turn direction which is fairly accurate. The problem with Google maps is that if you accidentally shut it off and there is no internet you may not be able to get back on track so even if you are using Google map you may want to consider bringing along a traditional paper map. Technology wins this one paper maps are cumbersome.

The next thing to consider is restaurant review apps like Yelp and Google now. You can check these apps and see how other people have reviewed restaurants in the area that you are visiting. The problems with the reviews that people place are that it is their personal opinion and their taste may not be the same as yours. You can also skip the app and just ask the people working at the hotel that you are staying at where they like to eat or you may want to skip the technology all together and just eat at a restaurant chain that you already like. Using the low tech approach maybe the best option when trying finding a restaurant to eat at while on vacation.

The option to take an additional camera with you while on vacation. The last few vacations that I have been on I have taken a digital camera with me and have not used the camera relying on my cell phone camera. The problem with taking an extra camera is that you have to carry more items with you while in most cases I will already be carrying my cell phone and the cameras on cell phone are much better than they where just a couple of years ago and if you want to post photos on to social media they are already on a device that can do that with no need to transfer them to another device. Technology wins again carrying more stuff is never good unless you are looking for higher quality pictures.

Technology does make vacations better in my opinion leave a commit below tell me what you opinion. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Virus Removal

Guide to Virus Removal

Step one – Remove the computer from the internet.
Step two – Download virus removal software to a jump drive, from a computer that is not infected. Removal software listed below:
1.      Adwcleaner – cleans bad files from the browser can be downloaded from
2.      Junkware Removal Tool – scans the computer for unwanted programs can also be downloaded at
3.      Malwarebytes – good all-around cleaner #malwarebytes
4.      Plug internet back in Norton Power Eraser – Removes rootkits and other bad programs that launch when the computer starts.
5.      Antivirus – If The computer does not have an antivirus software installed this will be the next step there are a several good free antivirus software’s available here a couple of them AVG Free and Avast Free both of these also have a paid version that offer more protection. Antivirus are important because they will actively scan files as they enter and leave a computer
6.      CClenaner – Install and run this will clean up temporary files, and junk files.
Step three – Install and run the software from step two in the order they are listed this step can take several hours,
Step four – Test the computer check and see if everything is normal.
Step five – If the computer does not appear to be running right. Running scans from step two is never a bad idea it better to be safe than sorry.
Step six – If steps one through five have not removed the problems or virus from the computer it may be time to call a computer repair technician.

Final Thoughts – According to CNN Money there is over a million new malware and virus written every day and this makes it important to run scans on a regular schedule. Some of the software from step two have the ability to automatically run scans on a set schedule.

A clean computer is a happy computer
