Thursday, February 2, 2017

Has technology damaged social gatherings?

 It does not seem like people talk as much as they did in the past? Has technology damaged our social engagement? When I was younger, and we would go camping, we would all sit around the campfire and tell stories and just talk. Today if you go to a restaurant and look around at the nearby tables you will see people looking at their smartphones. These people seem to be mesmerized by the technology and are not communicating with each other. The rule at my house is that no technology is allowed at the dinner table because this is a time to talk and find out what all the family members have experienced that day.

In today’s society, it is strange that games have been created to keep people from staring at their phones. This game consists of everyone who is out to dinner together has to place their phones in the middle of the table the first person to grab their phone has to pay for everyone’s meal. What have we turned into as a society that we have to go to such extremes to engage people in a conversation.

You camp out with your friends today, and you look around, and everyone is staring at their phones. Are phones more interesting that a good ghost story and is what you are reading on the screen more important than human interaction? Has social media kill the human interaction? I hope not people need to put down their phone and make some memories that will last a life time. I also hope that kids today will learn to enjoy the people and stories around them and instead of all the new technology.

Do not get me wrong technology does enhance our lives, but it can also take away if you are not careful.   

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